stress, features of stress, manifestation of stress, levels of educational achievements, anxiety, general level of anxiety, aspects of anxiety, neuropsychological stress, level of neuropsychological stress, mental statesAbstract
This article is devoted to the theoretical and practical analysis of the problem of studying the characteristics of stress and the levels of educational achievements of college students. The essence of the concept of "stress" in psychological scientific sources is studied. Features of the manifestation of stress at different stages of ontogenesis are characterized. The problem of psychological features of the manifestation of stress in college students depending on the level of their educational achievements is substantiated. It is emphasized that the stress of education seekers is determined by the presence of stressful factors in the student environment, such as situations of credit and examination sessions, periods of social adaptation, the need for personal self-determination in future professional activities. The methodical bases of the study of the features of stress and the levels of educational achievements of students are analyzed: diagnosis of anxiety and school anxiety, determination of the level of neuropsychological tension, study of self-assessment of mental states. This psychodiagnostic complex of methods corresponds to the specificity of the phenomenon under study and allows to reveal various aspects of the study of educational stress in young students, taking into account their levels of educational achievements. The organization of an empirical study and the results of psychodiagnostics of the features of stress and educational achievements of college students were analyzed: the determination of the expression of the general level of anxiety in the educational activities of students, the features of various aspects of anxiety of students with low and high levels of educational achievements, the level of neuropsychological stress of students, the characteristics of mental states of students with different levels of educational achievements.
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