soft skills, adolescent with hearing impairment, board game, communication skills, leadership skills, teamwork, independence, emotional intelligence, observation, critical thinkingAbstract
The article deals with the problems of soft skills development in adolescents with hearing impairment. The approaches to the concept of soft skills in the national science are analyzed, an overview of the formation of soft skills at different age stages is presented, and attention is paid to the methods of forming soft skills. The experimental part presents an experiment with adolescents with hearing impairment to determine the main components of soft skills, namely: the level of development of emotional intelligence, communication skills, teamwork, leadership skills, development of critical thinking, and independence. Methods of learning soft skills were analyzed: observation method, conversation method, testing methods. The results of the experiment indicate the need for formation soft skills The article presents an author's program aimed at developing soft skills in adolescents with hearing impairment, which includes the use of different types of board games: logic, strategic and cooperative. The author's program consists of 30 classes, which have the same structure: introduction (aimed at creating an atmosphere of trust, goodwill and acceptance of each other by the participants); the main part (acquaintance and organization of the board game); the final part (relaxation, summing up). The authors pay special attention to the psychological and pedagogical possibilities of modern board games. The features of each type of game are shown, and their correctional and developmental capabilities are analyzed. Psychological and pedagogical recommendations for teachers and parents raising children with speech impairment on the organization and conduct of board games as a condition for the development of soft skills are formulated. The obtained results indicate that the use of board games in corrective and developmental work contributes to the development of soft skills in teenagers with hearing impairment.
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