
  • I. I. Dorozhko
  • O. Ye. Malykhina
  • L. V. Turishcheva



education, competence, student, soft skills, leader.


Modern Ukrainian society is facing with a challenge of rethinking education as the key factor of development of the nation. Obtaining of quality education is fundamental stage in forming civic identity, development of critical thinking, emotional intellect and ability to self-realization. Strategically important task which demands system and comprehensive approach becomes definition of parameters pedagogical education such as content, conditions and principles of development. Pedagogical universities play a key role in preparing of future teachers who will adapted to modern challenges. These educational institutions must take on responsibility for realization of organizational, meaningful and methodological transformations for providing graduates not only professional competence but preparedness for life in European society. Key tasks of pedagogical education are forming specialists according to a single European value system. Important place among them is given to tolerant, leadership, peacefulness, justice and democracy. Pedagogical education must count these values in contests own culture and national context, promotion development personal qualities and social responsibility of future teachers, educators. Providing access to modern technologies, active using of interactive methods of education, development of critical thinking and creative abilities – its only few tendencies which must be count in rethinking of pedagogical education. Creating a stimulating environment for self improvement and development of personality are the key aspect, which will determine successfulness in preparing new generation of teachers. Actuality of this theme is no doubt because it opens important aspects for providing effective functioning of modern educational system, research development of soft skills of participants of educational process, future educators of preschool education institutions. Modern challenges in education, such as transition to distance learning, demand flexibility and high level of leadership qualities from personality. Optimization and improvement of management process is taking place in context of new paradigm such as leadership, where accent on development of leaders who possible to adaptation to changes and improve innovation approach to educational system. Presented research devoted to investigation of leadership qualities students of first (bachelor’s) degree of high education faculty of preschool education KhNPU named after H. S. Skovorody. For specialists of preschool education institutions development of soft skills have a great value what accept to successful building of career and professional gowning. Experimental component made it possible to make conclusions and determine psychological portrait of successful person. Future specialists, students of higher education currently important to expand their professional worldview and form practical skills which help in future to be competent at labor market. So, there is a need to consider leadership qualities of person in contexts of development of the problem «soft skills». Within the researches studies we consider to direct it expedient scientific interest for development inclination to leadership as socially significant characteristic of person in XXI century («soft skills»).


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How to Cite

Дорожко, І. І., Малихіна, О. Є., & Туріщева, Л. В. (2024). STUDY OF THE PROBLEMS OF DEVELOPING LEADERSHIP SOFT SKILLS COMPETENCIES OF MODERN HIGHER EDUCATION STUDENTS. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (2), 91-95.