development of younger schoolchildren, socio-psychological development of younger schoolchildren, social characteristics, formation of social characteristics, game activity, means of game activity, canister therapy.Abstract
This article is devoted to the theoretical and practical analysis of the problem of socio-psychological development of younger schoolchildren by means of game activities and canister therapy. The results of theoretical generalizations of the problems of personal development of younger schoolchildren are characterized. The specifics of the formation of their social and psychological characteristics, the possibilities of using play activities and canister therapy in promoting the formation of social characteristics of children of this age are studied. It is emphasized that the socio-psychological development of children of primary school age can be achieved through the use of various pedagogical and sociopsychological technologies, specially organized activities of children aimed at forming their qualities of communicative competence. A particularly important role in this context belongs to the use of game technologies and canister therapy. The methodical bases of the empirical study of the socio-psychological development of younger schoolchildren by means of game activities and canister therapy are analyzed: the study of the sphere of interpersonal relations of the child, the determination of the level of cooperation in the children's team, the performance of symbolic tasks to identify the "social self". This psychodiagnostic set of methods corresponds to the specifics of the phenomenon under study and allows us to reveal various aspects of the study of the social and psychological development of younger schoolchildren by means of game activities and canister therapy. The organization of an empirical study and the results of psychodiagnosis of the social and psychological development of younger schoolchildren by means of game activities and canister therapy are analyzed: the determination of the peculiarities of the social and psychological characteristics of younger schoolchildren at the ascertainment stage of the study; analysis of indicators of the effectiveness of the development of social and psychological characteristics of younger schoolchildren based on the results of the use of game activities and canister therapy.
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