internal-psychic contradiction, self-organization, psychological defenses, deep psychocorrection, positive disintegration of the psycheAbstract
The article reveals the importance of cognition of a personal problem for the development of a subject’s reflexive thinking based on self-organization. The study of the development of reflexive thinking, presented in this article, is based on the main provisions of the psychodynamic approach, which is worked out in the researches of academician of the NAPS of Ukraine T.S. Yatsenko and her followers. Categories “intellectual problem” and “personality problem” were analyzed. Personality problem is a separate class of problems in the psychology of thinking. The phenomenon of “personality problem” in scientific sources is concretized as “inner conflict”, a “personal ambivalence”, a “life problem”, and more. It has been established that the personality problem is characterized by the presence of an internal-psychic contradiction between multidirectional person’s tendencies, motives and desires. According the psychodynamic approach personality problem is considered as the stabilized internal contradiction psyche, which is determined deep-psychology trends. Psychodynamic approach focuses on mechanism, which blocks self-awareness of personality problem. It’s psychological defenses. The study of the development of person’s reflexive thinking was carried out in the process deep psychocorrection by the method active social-psychological cognition (ASPC). When studying the development of reflexive thinking, the provisions of synergetic on the processes self-organization in complex nonlinear systems were taken into account. According synergetic, the beginning of the self-organization is associated with a loss of stamina by the system. It is shown that in the process of deep psychological cognition personality problem, conditions are created for the development of reflexive thinking on the base self-organization. It is connect with weakening of the integrative effect of psychological defenses, which leads to a violation of the state internal mental balance, disintegration of the psyche. An essential feature of disintegration in the deep psycho-correction is its positive character. This help maintain the emotional optimum of its participants and determines new opportunities for the development of reflexive thinking based on self-organization.
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