personal fulfillmentity, personality, police officers, professional activity, traits.Abstract
The article presents the theoretical and practical achievements of Ukrainian and foreign scientists on the problem of personality of modern police officers and the selection of their primary features. A review of psychological research has shown a diverse palette of scientific papers that reveal the characteristics of the police officer, providing a different list of features of modern defenders of law and order. The personality of police officers is multifaceted and broad, as it requires taking into account a number of characteristics and competencies that will contribute not only to the flawless performance of professional duties, and help to realize themselves not only as a professional but also as a person. The purpose of the article is to determine the psychological content of the personality structure of police officers with high and low levels of personality’s fulfillmentity (PF). The total sample consisted of 97 police officers. Using O. Shtepa's "Personal Activity Questionnaire", the police officers were divided into three groups by cluster analysis using the k-means method. The first group with a high level of personal fulfillmentity was 29 people, the second group with a low level had 25 respondents, the third group of medium level included 43 respondents. Respondents with a high level of personal fulfillmentity (first group) and with a low level (second group) were involved in further research. To achieve this goal, the "Five-Factor Personality Questionnaire" ("Big Five") by R. McCrae and P. Costa was used. An empirical study of the factor structure of the personality of police officers with different levels of personal fulfillmentity showed that high-level police officers are prone to extraversion, they are able to quickly establish contact with people, make a positive impression on them and clearly understand their goals, advantages and opportunities. solving complex problems. We can offer a personal profile of the first group of respondents, describing them as dominant, self-sufficient, authoritative, stable, adaptive and ready for change. Low-level police officers are focused on establishing friendly contacts with other people, strive to work independently, relying on their knowledge and skills, but they can be vulnerable due to difficulties at work. The most characteristic features of the second group are: friendliness, self-control, but at the same time there is a feeling of guilt, anxiety and tension in stressful situations.
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