
  • I. M. Kuchmanych
  • L. A. Opanasenko



moderation, mediation, facilitation, technology, system approach, symptomatic behavior.


The article is devoted to the presentation of the technology of group consulting in the practice of school psychologists. The presented author's development "Psychological platform of moderation" allows to organize constructive interaction of the student with family and educational system for the joint decision of actual problems connected with their functioning. Moderation technology is based on a systematic approach, contains clear stages of interaction with participants in the consultation process, is based on the technique of asking circular questions. It is based on a scientifically sound thesis: any problem (symptomatic behavior of a child) is not exclusively a characteristic of the individual, but arises in the process of interaction between people. Therefore, it is necessary to involve in psychological work with the student not only the child, but also the environment that produces "problematic behavior" of the student. The purpose of technology is to help solve problems related to the unconstructive behavior of the child in family and school systems, by transforming the relationship from "subject-object" to "subject-subject". The technology is aimed at solving problem situations of school-age children, provides from 1 to 3 group meetings, each of which consists of 4 stages and has its own functional load: 1 meeting – diagnosis of the problem; 2nd meeting – factor analysis of the problem; 3rd meeting – initial testing of alternative solutions. Clearly technological work of a psychologist allows not only to make an effective impact on a particular situation, but in general can increase the responsibility of each participant in the moderation process.


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How to Cite

Кучманич, І. М., & Опанасенко, Л. А. (2022). PSYCHOLOGICAL PLATFORM OF MODERATION » AS AN EFFECTIVE TECHNOLOGY OF GROUP CONSULTING. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (1), 94-98.