
  • H. B. Sokolova
  • Yu. O. Kravets



socio-psychological competence, children with intellectual disabilities, cognitive sphere, personal sphere, empathy.


The new Ukrainian school encourages the scientific and practical community to identify priority areas for development and socio-psychological support of children with special educational needs, ensuring their successful socialization, comfortable entry into modern society. In this context, the problem of maximum disclosure of the resources of each child with special educational needs, its development and implementation as a socially competent and psychologically stable individual is of particular importance. All this requires the creation of optimal conditions for socialization and social adaptation of children with special educational needs, and the problem of forming socio-psychological competence of adolescents with intellectual disabilities in modern special psychology remains one of the most popular and complex and underdeveloped. and the integration of these children into society further becomes a source of serious personal problems for these children. The main vector of psychological and pedagogical approach to the development of socio-psychological competence of children with special educational needs is focused on considering mental retardation not as a stop in development, but a special way of age genesis of the psyche, which depends on the content of learning and education. children. That is why the Ukrainian state and modern special psychology orient society to the maximum individualization of the provision of educational services, protection of the rights of children with special needs and its preparation for comfortable and productive involvement in social life. Of particular concern to scholars and practitioners are adolescents with intellectual disabilities who are prone to affective reactions, reduced cognitive ability to process information, and low reflection on their own actions. This article presents the results of a study of socio-psychological competence of adolescents with intellectual disabilities to communicate with peers and adults, the study of which was conducted on the following parameters: knowledge about yourself and peers; initiative and selectivity in communicating with peers and adults; the presence of conflicts in joint activities; ways of behaving in conflict situations. It was stated that socio-psychological competencies and life experience of adolescents with intellectual disabilities are insufficient for effective social interaction, as most of them have limited experience of behavior in new or changing situations, but they actively use their individual differences in difficult social situations.


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How to Cite

Соколова, Г. Б., & Кравець, Ю. О. (2022). SOME ASPECTS OF SOCIO-PSYCHOLOGICAL COMPETENCE AS CONDITIONS FOR INVOLVEMENT OF ADOLESCENTS WITH INTELLIGENCE DISORDERS IN SOCIAL SPACE. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (1), 140-143.