
  • H. B. Sokolova
  • Yu. O. Kravets




socio-psychological competence, adolescents with disorders of intellectual development, social situation of development, personal sphere, socialization


The article presents the results of a theoretical-empirical study of the social-psychological competence of adolescents with intellectual disabilities. The analysis of various aspects of the social and psychological competence of adolescents with intellectual disabilities, presented in the works of Ukrainian scientists, allows us to identify the main directions of research: formation of the ability to effectively interact with others, the ability to enter into relationships and solve interpersonal problems, predict the consequences of communication situations, empathic and predicative competences, mastery of self-regulation methods and simple communication techniques, confident behavior skills, etc. Despite the different approaches of modern Ukrainian scientists to the study of the social-psychological competence of adolescents with intellectual disabilities, the only recognition remains the general focus of the social-psychological competence of children with special educational needs: on the effectiveness of social interaction, the ability to enter into relationships and solve interpersonal problems. Based on this, a functional and productive approach to the study of the social and psychological competence of adolescents with intellectual disabilities, built on the principles of connection with real life situations; studying social and psychological competence in a group and in the process of joint interaction; reliance on the adolescent's personal qualities and his emotional response to communicative situations. The relationship between the important components of social-psychological competence, which include: the leading agents of socialization of a teenager with intellectual disability, the subjective significance of life events, surrounding people and relationships with them, and the system of value relations for a teenager with intellectual disability, was empirically investigated. The pictorial projective technique showed that the weak expression of indicators of hostility and depression in adolescents with intellectual disabilities create a positive basis for the formation of social and psychological competence. Difficulties in communication correspond to anxiety and appear against the background of a pronounced inferiority complex.


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How to Cite

Соколова, Г. Б., & Кравець, Ю. О. (2022). FEATURES OF THE SOCIAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL COMPETENCE OF ADOLESCENTS WITH DISORDERS OF INTELLECTUAL DEVELOPMENT. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (2), 81-85. https://doi.org/10.32782/psy-visnyk/2022.2.16