gender-based violence, domestic violence, psychological assistance to women, displaced women, victimization of the victim, counseling principles, psychotherapyAbstract
The article highlights the theoretical and some practical aspects of the problem of providing psychological assistance to women affected by gender-based violence. An analysis of the concept of gender-based violence is presented. It has been determined that gender-based violence is illegal acts directed against persons because of their gender and causing physical, sexual, psychological or economic harm. Violence against women is a form of discrimination based on gender. The reasons for the need to provide psychological assistance to women who have suffered from domestic and genderbased violence have been revealed. The consequences of violence for a woman’s psychological status are determined. It is indicated that victims of gender-based violence have all the signs and corresponding symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. Sexual violence can have serious long-term emotional, psychological consequences for the victim, including feelings of anxiety, shock, fear and anger, depression, suicidal thoughts, and deformation of the personality structure. This aspect is one of the priority indicators for defining violence as an illegal act that harms the health of the victimized woman. It is indicated that the problem of providing psychological assistance to women to alleviate the traumatic experiences determined by violence is currently extremely necessary and important, because due to the full-scale war in our country, the number of women who suffer from violence or are at risk of violence is increasing. Therefore, the need for psychologists’ help to such women has increased: counseling, support, accompaniment and psychological crisis intervention. Certain principles of psychological help in cases of violence are outlined, tools used in cognitive psychotherapy are defined. It is determined that in order to avoid negative consequences, women who have experienced violence should receive timely qualified psychological help. This help should guarantee a woman’s safety and, in particular, an adaptive expression of feelings.
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