
  • H. B. Sokolova
  • P. I. Todorov
  • O. H. Kokhanets



athletes with hearing impairment, personality of martial arts coach, empathy, channels of empathy, moderating factors


The strong potential of Ukrainian Deflympians proves that the psychological and personal component, in particular, the central figure in sports life – the coach – acquires special significance for sports achievements. Of particular importance and complexity is the coaching work with wrestlers with hearing impairments. That is why the study of the psychological characteristics of the personality of a martial arts coach who educates athletes with hearing impairments is relevant. Empathy belongs to the category of unique personal formations that contribute to the effective work of a martial arts coach with athletes with hearing impairments, which can serve as an internal personal guarantor of full, effective training with martial arts wrestlers with special needs. According to the results of empirical research in the group of coaches most represented rational channel of empathy, through which the athlete becomes interesting not only in the results of competitions, but also in its existence, which allows the coach to objectively identify its essence. Martial arts coaches, who educate athletes with hearing impairments, have the least developed emotional channel of empathy. Among the moderating factors, the most pronounced in the group of martial arts coaches who educate athletes with hearing impairments is the penetrating ability to empathize. The weakest in the structure of empathy of martial arts coaches is identification, as a result of which it can be difficult for them to understand their students on the basis of empathy or putting themselves in their place. In addition, a statistically significant correlation of intuitive and emotional channels was recorded in the personality structure of a martial arts coach who educates athletes with hearing impairments, which confirms that coaches have the ability to resonate emotionally with wrestlers with hearing impairments. A study of the relationships between factors that moderate the development of empathic manifestations in the personality structure of a martial arts coach proves that there is a statistically significant positive correlation between identification and attitudes that promote empathy. This is important because against the background of the ability to identify as a basic characteristic of the personality of a martial arts coach who works with athletes with hearing impairments, such professionally important qualities as the desire to expand personal boundaries, subjective belief in the admissibility of interest in their students with special needs.


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How to Cite

Соколова, Г. Б., Тодоров, П. І., & Коханець, О. Г. (2022). PSYCHOLOGICAL FEATURES OF MARTIALLY COACHES WHICH EDUCATE ATHLETES WITH HEARING IMPAIRMENTS. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (4), 129-133.