
  • I. I. Dorozhko
  • O. Ye. Malykhina
  • L. V. Turishcheva



junior school student, communication skills, inclusive education, inclusive class, student with SEN


The article provides a theoretical analysis of research on the organization of the educational process in the context of inclusive education. Psychological and pedagogical research on the development of communicative skills of students is analyzed. It is noted that the problem of development of communicative skills in junior schoolchildren in the conditions of inclusive education is insufficiently studied. It is the formation of communicative skills in the future that ensures the socialization of a child with SEN. The level of development of communicative abilities, communicative actions and speech skills of junior schoolchildren of two inclusive classes was established in the observational experiment with the help of the “Student's Communication Skills Observation Card”. The obtained results indicate an insufficient level of formation of communicative skills in students of inclusive classes. In the formative experiment, eight correction classes were conducted with students of the experimental group. All classes were built on a certain structure and contained the play activities of students: the creation of story-role situations; theatrical games and tasks, board games, construction, verbal and nonverbal games and tasks. Work in the classroom took place simultaneously in three areas: the development of communicative qualities of the child; development of communication skills; development of speech skills. The results of the control experiment show that the students of the experimental class in the process of play activities communicated more with the child with SEN. The student from SEN from the experimental group became more confident in addressing his classmates, he stopped feeling fear that his classmates would not understand him. The student with SEN from the control group showed high conflict and aggression. The obtained results allowed us to conclude that play activities promote the development of communicative qualities, communicative actions and speech skills, which make up the communicative skills of both ordinary students and students with SEN.


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How to Cite

Дорожко, І. І., Малихіна, О. Є., & Туріщева, Л. В. (2022). DEVELOPMENT OF COMMUNICATIVE SKILLS OF CHILDREN WITH SEN IN THE CONDITIONS OF INCLUSIVE EDUCATION. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (4), 134-138.