
  • A. V. Kurova



technology, technological approach, ontogenetic reflection, emotions, psychological health, youth


The article updates the problem of health-saving technologies and their implementation in various spheres of life. The need to turn to the paradigm of psychological health is confirmed by the stress on the psychological and physical state of citizens in war zones, the stay of citizens in the occupation or the front-line zone, when, along with physical suffering, people experience psychological insecurity and danger, neuropsychological and emotional instability, decrease in general vitality, etc. It is the technological approach that is an innovative tool for experiencing an uncertain social or individual situation. Technology in the field of social psychology is considered as a special category of activity approach, thanks to which the preservation of the psychological health of young people in conditions of uncertainty becomes possible through the definition of features: the subject itself, the goal, procedural features, means and methods of achieving the goal, obtained results, etc. Technologization of the process of preserving psychological health is possible due to the involvement of some personal phenomena, in particular, ontogenetic reflection and emotional backgrounds against which it is implemented, which, as part of this technology, help to answer questions about how to achieve a certain goal with the involvement of the analysis of previous experience . That is, ontogenetic reflection can not only clarify the goal, but also determine the content of the technology of preserving psychological health in conditions of uncertainty. Empirically, it was established that the experience of joy has a positive effect on the indicators of ontogenetic reflection and creates conditions for the active use of these laws in the development of health-saving technologies in correctional work with young people, while the experience of sadness and fear has a negative effect and inhibits the adequacy of behavior in a situation of uncertainty.


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How to Cite

Курова, А. В. (2022). TECHNOLOGICAL APPROACH IN THE RESEARCH OF THE PSYCHOLOGICAL HEALTH OF YOUTH IN CONDITIONS OF UNCERTAINTY. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (2), 46-50.

