psychological health, psychological illness, youth, personal component, affective component, behavioral component.Abstract
The article actualizes the problem of the need to highlight the main components of the psychological health of young people and draw up empirical groups taking them into account. The technologies of research, preservation and maintenance of the psychological health of the citizens of Ukraine acquire a special resonance, because from the consequences of Russian aggression people not only die physically, but also suffer psychologically: civilians, children, a large number of the population leave their homes, become forced migrants, the formed during the years of our independence, the socioeconomic infrastructure, the skills of everyday life are changing. Therefore, during the war with Russia, an important layer of social work is activated – the provision of psychological assistance to persons with post-traumatic stress, their relatives and loved ones. That is why Ukrainian psychological science must keep up with society's demands, actively develop and put into practice innovative approaches and fields, which include the problem of psychological health of young people, which in the future will rebuild our state. In Ukrainian and foreign psychology, this direction is developing very actively, the main groups of factors related to psychological health are distinguished. This is important because, according to domestic scientists, a person's loss of psychological health significantly affects the quality of life and reduces the effectiveness of activities. Based on the results of theoretical analysis of foreign and domestic scientific and psychological literature, content analysis and expert evaluations (experts were leading psychologists), a list of meaningful components of the psychological health of student youth was compiled, which included indicators represented by: personal, affective and behavioral components. The personal component of the psychological health of young people includes a subjective assessment of one's own psychological health, self-assessment; locus of control; the affective component of youth psychological health includes psychological well-being, optimism and activity; the behavioral component of youth psychological health includes elements of psychological protection. Empirically, three groups of respondents were identified: psychologically healthy, psychologically unhealthy, and a group with average values. Prospects for further scientific explorations consist in the meaningful filling of each of the selected groups of psychological health/psychological ill health of young people.
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