loneliness, drug addiction, addictive behavior, value consciousness, anxiety, hopelessnessAbstract
The article is devoted to the issue of loneliness experiencing in the value consciousness of the drug addicts. It was found that loneliness, being a social disease, is directly related to the lack of self-confidence, the lack of support and loss of control over life events. Loneliness, self-doubt, the lack of confidence in personal ability and activity, or even fear may result in drug abuse. These individuals consider the drug abuse as the optimal decision to nullify the desolation and pain from loneliness. They enter the circle of drug addicts. The research under consideration provides, on the basis of statistical data processing, the results of empirical study of psychological features of loneliness experiencing in the value consciousness of the drug addicts. The complex of psychodiagnostic methods was applied, taking into account the peculiarities of the sample: the method of diagnosing the tendency to addictive behavior by Mendelevich; the method of diagnosing addiction identity by Korolenko, Dmitrieva, Levina, et al.; the method of diagnosing interpersonal dependency by Bornstein; the Beck hopelessness scale; the diagnostic questionnaire of the loneliness type by Korchagina; the method of diagnosing the subjective feeling of loneliness by Russell and Ferguson; the methods of mathematical statistics (Pearson correlation coefficient). Based on the results of empirical research and correlational analysis, it is determined that there is an interconnection between drug addiction and addiction identity in general with specificities in interpersonal addiction, feelings of hopelessness and loneliness. The more an individual displays narcotic and addiction identity in general, the more vividly demonstrated is the destructive dependence and dysfunctional distancing, feelings of hopelessness and loneliness. The more an individual displays narcotic and addiction identity in general, the less the healthy dependence is demonstrated in interpersonal relationships.
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