optimism, pessimism, activity, psychological health, youth, personal component, behavioral componentAbstract
The article actualizes the problem of the need to research optimism-pessimism as subjective predictors of the psychological health of modern youth. the attitude to experiencing life difficulties and socio-economic problems during the war is one of the important aspects of the health of Ukrainian citizens. Scientific and practical interest in the problem of optimism and pessimism as important subjective predictors of the psychological health of Ukrainian youth in modern conditions is determined by their important role in ensuring the viability of the nation in difficult, extreme living conditions. Optimistic personality traits can be considered elements of its resource sphere, which at the behavioral level unfold in the form of cognitive-volitional and practical actions aimed at experiencing a situation of uncertainty, successfully overcoming it, and personal expectations for the future as a whole. It is important that true optimism presupposes the active realization of the individual’s position. In the problematic field of many studies, there remain questions about the relationship between optimism and pessimism and other personality traits, which can comprehensively influence the formation of the psychological health of various young people. It has been empirically confirmed that such important indicators of the locus of control as general internality, internality in the sphere of family relations and internality in the sphere of industrial relations are negatively correlated with the pessimism indicator, and the general indicator of the internal locus of control is positively related to the indicator of personality activity. The natural activity of an optimistically oriented individual supports his ability to bear responsibility for the events that occur in his life, while relying on the existing reserve of energy and his own resourcefulness to overcome the situation of uncertainty, without using his repertoire of psychological defense mechanisms. Optimism as a dispositional characteristic of an individual supports its vitality and general positive image of the world, and allows it to be considered one of the important determinants of psychological health.
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