
  • A. V. Kurova



situation of uncertainty, problem situation, features of the situation of uncertainty, tolerance towards the uncertainty


The article analyzes the problem of uncertainty in psychological science, which means: incomplete process of perception or cognition of anything, which manifests itself in situations where a person encounters a lack, vagueness or inconsistency of information coming from the outside; a new, complex situation that has many conflicting interpretations or is unsolvable; complete lack of information on how to act in an unfamiliar situation; set of circumstances, conditions, which are characterized by incomplete content or are noisy. Signs of uncertainty and its personal predictors and behavioral consequences are highlighted and generalized: lack, inconsistency or vagueness of information implemented in decisionmaking research, its novelty, complexity and inconsistency, the need for activity, search for additional personal and cognitive resources that do not always contribute search adequate decision, unpredictability and number of consequences or ways of solving life situations, etc. It is shown that the situation of uncertainty can take over the main socio-personal functions (self-organization, self-development, choice), as it manifests an individually expressed and accessible to the subject ability to dispose of their freedom and responsibility, which exacerbates the existential context of uncertainty. The concepts of “uncertainty situation” and “problem situation” are compared, their common (goal, means of achievement, program of internal and external actions) and distinctive features (mainly in the information block: in a problem situation there is a lack of information to solve the problem, in the situation uncertainty manifests itself not only in the lack of, but also inconsistencies, unclear presentation and too much of this information information). In foreign psychology, the problem of uncertainty is considered through categories: tolerance (in interpersonal relationships and organizational reality), individual personality and individual behavioral strategies, cultural differences and specifics of corporate culture, decisionmaking in conditions of uncertainty and more.


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How to Cite

Курова, А. В. (2022). SITUATION OF UNCERTAINTY IN THE PARADIGM OF MODERN CHALLENGES OF SOCIETY. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (4), 51-55.

