
  • I. Yu. Shmidzen
  • I. V. Yukhymenko



motivation, locus, locus of control, externality, internality


This publication analyzes theoretical aspects of deciding the motive for controlling the locus of control. It is found that there are a big number of approaches to explain motivation. In general, understanding of motivation is considered in two ways: the first one is aimed to interpret motivation based on structural positions as a set of factors and motives. The second approach is aimed to consider motivation not as static, but as a dynamic formation. Motivation is positioned as a secondary way or mechanism of understanding motives in a second case. It is found, there are different types of motives. There are primary, which acts as a need, attraction, instinct, and a secondary, which is described as a motive. In general, motivation is determined as behaviour and can be allocated to external and internal. It is established, that motivation can be interrelated with an internal locus of control, which is characterized by a person’s tendency to take responsibility for the results of their activities, attributing their own abilities and efforts (internal locus of control), or attributing to external factors (external locus of control). It is found that individuals with an expressed internal locus of control, are more persistent in achieving the goal than externals. They are dominated by a motivation for success. Individuals with an internal locus of control are more likely to take responsibility for academic success or failure than individuals with an external locus of control. This means locus of control can influence both motivation and educational activities.


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How to Cite

Шмідзен, І. Ю., & Юхименко, І. В. (2021). THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF DECIDING THE MOTIVE FOR CONTROLLING THE LOCUS OF CONTROL. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (1), 36-39.