pregnancy, motherhood, psychological preparation, social factor, readiness for pregnancyAbstract
The article examines the concept of “psychological readiness for pregnancy”, various aspects of a woman’s readiness for motherhood, what problems expectant mothers may face while preparing for motherhood. Recently, research has been conducted on readiness to become a mother in various aspects. There are many different approaches to studying this problem, but in-depth research on the issue of readiness for pregnancy has not been done, and therefore, this problem remains open. When studying this issue, experts consider the changes occurring in a woman, preparing for motherhood. Of course, the birth of a child will seriously change a woman’s life, and she must be ready for them. She needs to consciously accept the fact that she will become a mother. An analysis of several groups of factors affecting a woman’s readiness for the role of mother was carried out. Approaches to the disruption of motherhood and the extent to which a woman is prepared for the new role of a mother are studied as an important factor in getting used to it. This determines the relevance of the research. It is substantiated that motherhood has deep biological prerequisites, but it appears in human culture and as a social order formed in the process of the historical development of society, which determines the self-awareness and feelings of a woman-mother. Contradictions between society’s social expectations regarding the role of the mother and the real possibilities of their implementation create a serious problem of women’s psychological unpreparedness for motherhood, which is complicated by the fact that society prioritizes women’s socio-professional roles, rather than traditional maternal functions. It is shown that a system of psycho-social support and adaptation of a woman to the role of a mother at the initial stage of pregnancy and childbirth has not been formed in our society, the study of the socio-psychological problem of motherhood is currently gaining special relevance and attracts more and more attention of researchers of various scientific fields.
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