
  • V. A. Vins
  • A. H. Suvorova




post-traumatic stress disorder, stressful situation, traumatic situation, prevention, correction, mindfulnessoriented therapy, holotropic breathing, art therapy.


The article reveals the possibilities of prevention and correction of post-traumatic stress disorder. The importance of studying its symptoms, prevention and correction measures is emphasized. The definition of post-traumatic stress disorder is given. The main symptoms of PTSD are presented. The types of prevention are outlined, in particular, primary and secondary prevention of PTSD are identified and characterized. Two groups of prevention measures are also identified: psychological and pharmacological interventions. The author provides a detailed list of possible areas of psychological intervention (trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy, cognitive restructuring therapy, cognitive processing therapy, exposure-based therapy, coping skills therapy (including stress inoculation therapy), psychoeducation, normalization, as well as desensitization and re-processing of eye movements, etc.) Attention is drawn to the low popularity of primary prevention, despite its importance and effectiveness. The measures that are important for the development of psychological resilience are presented. A separate section is devoted to the review of correctional measures for PTSD and their possibilities. The main strategies for organizing correctional and therapeutic work with individuals diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder are highlighted. The advantages of group work with PTSD are presented. Modern means of correction of post-traumatic stress disorder are considered. In particular, attention is drawn to the effectiveness of selfregulation and concentration techniques (mindfulness-oriented therapy techniques), holotropic breathing practices, and art therapy methods. The effects of each of these areas observed in people with PTSD after their use are considered. The advantages of using art therapy techniques are presented. The challenges and tasks that our state faces today in terms of preventing and correcting post-traumatic stress disorder are outlined.


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How to Cite

Вінс, В. А., & Суворова, А. Г. (2023). POSSIBILITIES OF PREVENTION AND CORRECTION OF POST-TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER IN ADULTS. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (4), 10-13. https://doi.org/10.32782/psy-visnyk/2023.4.3