adaptation, social adaptation, student youth, students, distance learning, higher education institution, motivation, social frustration.Abstract
The article analyzes the psychological features of social adaptation of student youth under martial law and distance learning. The importance and relevance of the study of this issue is emphasized. The challenges faced by modern student youth are outlined. The researchers who were interested in social adaptation at different times are listed. The article presents the interpretation of the concept of social adaptation from the standpoint of Ukrainian scholars, as well as a separate definition of social adaptation to the conditions of a higher education institution. Special attention is paid to the complexity of social adaptation of freshmen. The author identifies four spheres of life to which students are forced to adapt within a higher education institution. The external and internal factors of students' social adaptation are highlighted, and the criteria and indicators of students' adaptation to the conditions of distance learning are presented. To confirm the theoretical provisions, the results of an empirical study involving 1st and 4th year students majoring in “053. Psychology” at the Hryhorii Skovoroda University in Pereiaslav. The results obtained using such methods as “Methods of studying social and psychological adaptation” by K. Rogers-R. Diamond (adapted by A. Osnytsky), “Methodology for Diagnosing the Level of Social Frustration” (L. Wasserman, modified by V. Boyko) and “Diagnosis of Motivation to Avoid Failure" (T. Ehlers). Differences in all methods between first-year and fourth-year students were revealed. A correlation analysis between the obtained indicators by three methods was carried out and it was proved that the success of students' adaptation to martial law and distance learning and the manifestation of their stress resistance is influenced by the motivation to succeed or avoid failure. As conclusions, the prospects for further research in this area are outlined.
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