
  • V. A. Vins Hryhorii Skovoroda Pereiaslav University
  • A. H. Bondarchuk Hryhorii Skovoroda Pereiaslav University
  • I. S. Tomchuk Hryhorii Skovoroda Pereiaslav University



Su-jok therapy, speech disorders, preschool children, psychocorrection, speech therapy, methodological foundations


The article summarizes the existing and author’s methodological developments of the use of Su-Jok therapy in the psychocorrection of speech disorders in preschool children. The effectiveness of the use of Su-Jok therapy in the correction of speech disorders in preschool children, as well as its complementarity, safety, universality, accessibility, ease of use and non-invasiveness are emphasized. An analysis of the current developments in the field is carried out and attention is drawn to their importance for a deeper understanding of the potential of Su-Jok therapy in the correction of speech disorders in preschool children. The essence of Su-Jok therapy as a method of psychological and pedagogical correctional work with children with speech disorders by influencing their biologically active points located on the hands with the help of special massage balls is considered. The additional possibilities of Su-Jok therapy in working with children are indicated. The main tasks of Su-Jok therapy in the speech correction process are indicated. The means of Su-Jok therapy, which are the most effective in correctional and speech therapy work with children with speech disorders, are presented. The directions of using the main tools of Su-Jok therapy for the development of children’s speech sphere are given. Attention is drawn to the basic principles of Su-Jok therapy in the work with speech disorders. The methodological features of the use of Su-Jok therapy in the psychocorrection of speech in preschool children are substantiated and considered in detail. The requirements, which ensure the effectiveness of the use of Su-Jok therapy in speech correction work with children with speech disorders, are considered. A consistent algorithm of work with preschoolers with speech disorders using the tools of Su-Jok therapy is presented. Prospects for further research on the outlined issues are outlined.


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How to Cite

Вінс, В. А., Бондарчук, А. Г., & Томчук, І. С. (2024). METHODOLOGICAL FEATURES OF USING SU-JOK THERAPY IN PSYCHOCORRECTION OF SPEECH DISORDERS IN PRESCHOOL CHILDREN. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (3), 74-77.

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