interpersonal relationships, marriage relationships, married couple, individual psychological features of the individual, psychological consulting of the family, harmonization of marital interaction.Abstract
The article is devoted to the definition of the peculiarities of the influence of individual psychological characteristics of men and women on interpersonal relationships in married couples and consideration of opportunities to take into account this knowledge during the provision of psycho-consultative assistance to adults on harmonization of marital interaction. The information presented in the article indicates that, first of all, the quality of interpersonal relationships in the family is influenced by the type of temperament of each spouse, which determines the peculiarities of his behavior and attitude to the other people. It is established that the most optimal is the relationship of spouses who have opposite types of temperament, but the presence of the same temperament`s types in partners only exacerbates the relationship. It has also been found that the relationships of men and women in marriage are influenced by their character traits, in particular, such as perseverance, purposefulness, integrity, justice, which can have different manifestations in men and women. The expression of accentuated charachter`s traits of each or both spouses significantly prevents the establishment of harmonious relationships in the family. An important role in building optimal relationships in a married couple is played by internal control, the ability to adequately emotional perception of the surrounding reality and its partner, developed emotional intelligence, communication culture, etc. It is established that one of the ways of harmonizing the men and women relationships in marriage relationships and teaching their rational resolution of conflicts that arise in family life is the help of a psychologist, which can be provided in an individual form (consultations, family sessions) and in a group (involvement in social and psychological trainings and development programs). The article provides recommendations for improving the relationships between married couple, which help to establish mutual understanding and avoid conflicts in interpersonal relations.
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