
  • S. O. Mashchak




inclusion, primary school children, special educational needs, psychological characteristics, teaching


The article outlines the relevance of the problem of teaching junior high school students according to the inclusive system. A thorough theoretical analysis of the "inclusion" phenomenon was carried out, its purpose, principles and tasks were determined. The groups of children of primary school age who need special learning conditions were characterized and a theoretical analysis of the psychological characteristics of primary school children studying under inclusive education was carried out. Factors that influence the psychological experience of schoolchildren in an inclusive class, such as the social environment and the interaction of parents, psychologists, and teachers, have been identified. It was established that the interaction of teachers, students of the class, and parents create a favorable educational environment for students of primary school age studying in an inclusive class. The main idea of the concept of inclusive education is the recognition of the importance of individualized support for each child, the formation of a positive self-concept, the implementation of social integration and the universal design of education to promote the psychological well-being of elementary school students. By implementing the inclusion model in the education system, there is an opportunity to create a fairer and more inclusive society that values and supports the unique abilities and potential of all participants in the educational process. The results of an empirical study of the psychological characteristics of younger schoolchildren in the conditions of inclusive education are presented, the factors affecting their learning experience are analyzed. Children of primary school age with special educational needs in the educational environment of a class, educational institution face difficult and specific challenges, which are not only related to learning and social and school adaptation. Their communication with peers is often accompanied by anxiety, low self-esteem and negative emotional states. Studying and understanding the psychological features of children of primary school age with special educational needs will allow specialists to develop and implement specialized, individual approaches to learning and development that take into account their interests, educational needs, peculiarities of temperament, character, abilities, individual style of learning and upbringing, motivational tendencies.


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How to Cite

Мащак, С. О. (2023). FEATURES OF INCLUSIVE EDUCATION OF YOUNGER SCHOOL STUDENTS. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (3), 116-120. https://doi.org/10.32782/psy-visnyk/2023.3.23

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