subjective well-being, happiness, life satisfaction, mental health, emotions, faith, personality, personalityAbstract
The article outlines the main aspects of the problem of subjective well-being of believers studying psychology. Theoretical approaches and understanding of subjective well-being in psychology are given. It was established that the research of the topic has theoretical and practical significance. The study of the subjective well-being of believers who study psychology is the key to maintaining mental health and adapting to difficult life conditions. "Closed" Ukrainian culture will continue to influence Ukrainians' awareness of the need for psychological support for their quality of life for a long time to come. After all, each of us is our own psychologist. Sometimes this function is performed by our friends, close circle, and for religious persons, a mentor, clergyman, pastor. However, if you combine the efforts of science, life psychology, and religion, you can get a set of tools for a happy life of a person in society. A deep understanding of the subjective wellbeing of believers who learn the laws of psychological science will provide ample opportunities not only to change negative mental states, but also to increase the level of happiness and satisfaction with life, prevent suicides, and promote selfdevelopment, self-education, and self-improvement. Research and assessment of the subjective well-being of believers studying psychology are purely "subjective", based on the individual's own experiences and assessments. The subjective well-being of believers studying psychology can be formed by the action of various factors: satisfaction with personal and professional achievements, quality of social relations, level of self-realization, health, economic stability, education, faith, spiritual potential, knowledge of one's own psychological characteristics. An important element in the study of the subjective well-being of believers studying psychology is faith as an act of personal trust in God and devotion. 100 people studying psychology participated in the empirical study. Most of them, namely 95%, are persons who practice Christianity and believe in God. It was found that the study of psychology and faith are closely correlated and determine the subjective well-being of the studied persons (86% of women, 14% of interviewed men who study psychology are representatives of different age cohorts). Until the age of 50, they are more interested in studying psychology, and after the age of 50, the interest fades, motives of faith and spirituality arise. Belief in oneself and the "higher spiritual absolute", the methodical and methodological arsenal of psychology help religious people to create their own life project and determine their subjective well-being and happiness in living. The surveyed respondents decided to study psychology with the following motivation: 29% of people – to better understand themselves and help themselves, 45% – to better understand others and help them, 26% defined their goal in two ways – helping themselves and others. Іt should be stated : the average index of life satisfaction among believers studying psychology is 29.32 (high level of life satisfaction). According to the scale of interpretation of the results, the average indicator of psychological well-being is 317 (this is an indicator of the average level of well-being).
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