
  • U. B. Mykhailyshyn
  • I. V. Yukhymenko
  • Ya. O. Shymoniak



character accentuation, character, conflict, conflict behavior, reaction in conflicts, adolescent age


The article examines the issue of researching a character accentuation and a conflict behavior in an adolescent age. The meaning of «character accentuation» has been determined. The accentuation appears as a very limit of a clinical norm having a certain character trait excessively strengthened. Depending on the level of expression there have been considered two types of the character accentuation – overt and hidden. It has been established that individuals of adolescent age have character accentuation most often. During this age stage specific traits are highlighted, and due to the certain factors temporary adaptation deviation or conflict behavior manifestation can be observed. Specifics of a conflict defining have been analyzed. It has been learnt that there is no single definition of this concept in psychology. It is considered as an integral multifaceted formation being determined by personal properties. Conflict can play both a positive and a negative role in an individual's life. It is an essential quality of a personality with individual characteristics of manifestations. An empiric research of the character accentuation and the conflict behavior in adolescent age have been conducted. A complex of psychodiagnostic methods have been selected: character accentuation test by H. Shmishek, PDO; «Conflict Self-Estimation» by V. Riakhovskyi, evaluation methods of manner reaction in conflicts by Tomas K. The research results have been summarized according to the methods of determining personality accentuations. It has been determined that the representatives of this sample have featured the most such types of accentuations as «Hyperthymic», «Demonstrative», «Schizoid» and «Conforming». Adolescents with «Hyperthymic» type of accentuation could often demonstrate a good mood and high behavioral activity. Adolescents with the «Demonstrative» accentuation type could often seek attention to their persona, admiration. Adolescents with a featured type of «Schizoid» accentuations have been characterized by introversion as the main personality trait. People with a «Conforming» type of accentuation could demonstrate very often a tendency to conform to the opinion of the majority of people. The studies of conflict features have shown that the average level of conflict was the most featured in the studied persons, indicating its weak expression. The type of response «Avoidance» has been most appropriate for students when resolving conflicts.


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How to Cite

Михайлишин, У. Б., Юхименко, І. В., & Шимоняк, Я. О. (2024). CHARACTER ACCENTUATION AND CONFLICT BEHAVIOR OF ADOLESCENTS. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (1), 86-90.

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