
  • S. O. Mashchak Lviv Polytechnic National University
  • D. I. Dutko Lviv Polytechnic National University



motivation, needs, professional orientation, teacher, professional оrientation, educational environment, orientation, incentives


The scientific review article describes the motivational aspects of the professional activity of teachers with different years of professional teaching experience. It was established that motivational trends in the teacher’s need-motivational sphere are a difficult way of professionalization. Having carried out a theoretical analysis of psychological sources, we can state that the professional activity of a teacher is a special type of pedagogical activity. It is focused on the transfer of sociohistorical and cultural experience to future generations, creating conditions for their personal development. The content of the teacher’s activity in the motivational aspect is the development, training, education of schoolchildren. According to the results of the methods, the actual motives of professional activity were determined and the needs of teachers were identified. Their application made it possible to reveal the general picture of the motivation of professional activity, and the teachers themselves were able to see and understand the dominant and relevant motives of pedagogical activity. Teachers with different experience in teaching took part in the study. Аccording to the results of the empirical study of the motivation of professional activity, differences in the dominant motives of teachers with different experience of professional pedagogical activity were found. The dominant motives of teachers who have been working at the school for a long time are: self-improvement, striving to meet the “professional teacher” standard. Beginning teachers with up to ten years of teaching experience are dominated by the motives of pragmatism, self-improvement, communication, orientation to spiritual values, the standard of the «ideal teacher». Teachers harmoniously realize professional and personal needs – communication, self-affirmation. No significant differences in the professional motivation of teachers with different professional experience were found.


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How to Cite

Мащак, С. О., & Дутко, Д. І. (2024). PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PEDAGOGICAL ASPECTS OF MOTIVATION TENDENCIES OF TEACHERS: COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (3), 7-11.

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