conformism, addictive behavior, dependence, interpersonal addiction, adolescence.Abstract
The paper considers the issue of conformity influence to the interpersonal addiction of students. Meaning of conformism and its specific features have been analyzed and found out, i.e uncritical perception, passiveness, rejection of own position and acceptance of the other party's point. The meaning of addictive behavior of a personality has been determined as personalities intention to change its mental state. Sense of uncomfortable mental reality may be different as well as the ways to change that reality. Interpersonal addiction may be considered as one of forms of addictive behavior. The interpersonal addiction is based on needs for emotional intimacy and acceptance by significant persons. A personality needs assistance and support while feeling helpless. An empiric research with further data processing has been conducted regarding the impact of conformism to the formation of interpersonal addiction (Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient and Kruskal-Wallis H-criterion). The following methods have been selected – method of interpersonal addiction detecting by R. Borshtein (adapted by O. Makushyna); Q-sort by W. Stefanson; personal questionnaire "Conformity-suggestibility" by S. V. Klaucek and V. V. Delarue. As a result of selected methods it has been found out that the indicator of sociability prevails and it appears in striving of personality to develop emotional bonds. The low level of conformity has been also determined. It proves that the majority of students may be hardly influenced by other people, can be independent in their thoughts and can defend their point of view. As a result of diagnosing interpersonal addiction it has been found out that the research students mostly demonstrate healthy dependence appearing in ability to establish constructive social relations. Conclusion can be made as a result of data processing that conformism may impact the formation of the interrelation addiction. i.e. the high level of conformism may cause destructive interpersonal addiction.
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