subjective well-being, happiness, life satisfaction, рsychological well-being mental health, personalityAbstract
The article reveals the theoretical aspects of the peculiarities of the manifestation of the subjective well-being of Ukrainians in the languages of war and its essence. The factors of subjective well-being were determined and their determination by values and motives, which would allow Ukrainians to feel satisfied with life, was investigated. The information presented in the article shows that a significant number of researchers equate the concepts of psychological and subjective well-being. We consider subjective well-being as a psychological phenomenon that demonstrates a person’s personal attitude towards himself as an individual, his satisfaction with life and processes that are important to him from the point of view of the acquired normative ideas about the external and internal environment. Emotional and mental disorders, anxiety, disappointment, fear, depression, and impotence accompany the lives of Ukrainians. In the conditions of the war, the system of value-motivational orientations of Ukrainians changed radically. Psychological and subjective well-being are closely related psychological phenomena that ensure the integrity of the individual and his mental health. The valuemotivational sphere of the individual acts as a psychological determinant. Values, motivation, and effective life goals significantly improve the feeling of subjective well-being. War is already a misfortune that destroys not only a person’s life in physical, mental, psychological dimensions, but also his inner life potential or vice versa - it gives a new meaning to his life. The war clearly demonstrates this. Ukrainians not only learned to survive, but also a significant part of the population received new motivational orientations. The first and most important thing is the independence of the native land. The level of subjective well-being of Ukrainians in the conditions of war depends on various aspects of the value-motivational sphere. We discovered that Ukrainians who have a high level of awareness of life in war conditions are more prosperous and happy than those who do not see the meaning of life in war conditions and have lost their purpose. We found out: the subjective well-being of Ukrainians in the war is most closely related to their perceived ability to manage their lives, to make changes in accordance with the current situation and their own desires. Meaningfulness of life correlates the least with Ukrainians’ satisfaction with the social sphere. The value and motivational orientations of Ukrainians today are a peaceful life without shelling and death. The obtained results can be aimed at helping Ukrainians in preserving their own physical and mental well-being, improving the quality of life by their own efforts in the conditions of war.
Аргайл Майкл. Психологія щастя. Відновлено з https://studfile.net› preview
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