motivation, motive, need, psychologist, adulthood, activityAbstract
The article presents the results of an empirical study of the motivational tendencies of persons receiving psychological education. This is the desire for continuous self-development, the realization of one's potential and the presence of goals and a sense of life consciousness, a positive attitude towards oneself and one's past. Studying psychology and becoming a psychologist as an adult is a very often realized motive. An adult realizes and intuitively feels that knowledge of psychology can help solve a number of life problems, personal development and self-development, and improve material well-being. Therefore, motivations for change in adults studying psychology is an important social-psychological problem. Its rethinking will allow not only to determine the factors affecting the readiness of adults to change and active participation in society, but also to introduce changes in the professional training of future psychologists. A specialist who knows how to think outside the box, find optimal solutions, analyze, reflect, act, relying not only on life knowledge, but professional knowledge. With the growth of the indicator, which is characteristic of emotionally mature, independent, active and independent persons, the indicators of positive relations with others, the ability to fulfill the requirements of everyday life, personal growth, goals in life and positive self-perception increase. Indicators of personal growth are related to the level of perseverance and self-control, and with the growth of the indicator of perseverance, the indicator of the level of motivation also increases and vice versa. Adults studying psychology have only partly high motivation, they positively evaluate their past, are empathetic, persistent, have a desire to show concern for others and motives for personal growth and self-improvement. It was established that the higher the level of motivation, the higher the indicators of the ability to fulfill the requirements of everyday life, personal growth, the presence of goals in life and a positive attitude towards oneself and one's past. However, there are individuals who are not inclined to make efforts and have a passive attitude to life, and others may be overly self-critical, due to which they lose faith in the fact that they can achieve what they want. The vast majority of psychology students are strong-willed, persistent and emotionally stable. They have close, trusting relationships with others, they are able to resist social pressure, effectively use various life circumstances, strive for continuous development, have clear goals in life and a positive attitude towards themselves.
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