
  • S. O. Mashchak
  • A. I. Oliinyk



professional, emotional burnout, stress, psychological exhaustion, psychological support, information technologies.


The article provides a theoretical analysis of the problem of professional burnout of specialists in the field of information technologies. It was established that professional burnout of IT specialists is accompanied by tension, anxiety, and negative emotional experiences. Complex tasks, monotonous, routine operations, the influence of artificial intelligence, a fast pace of professional activity, quality control of project execution, lack of creative activity, a high level of competition and the need for constant self-improvement forces specialists in this field to raise the emotional tone of life by consuming energy drinks, coffee, alcohol, but on the contrary, take care of physical health. The factors of the syndrome of professional burnout are determined: external (environmental conditions and surroundings) and internal (individual and psychological characteristics of a person). Interaction of these factors. It negatively affects the working capacity of IT specialists. Work capacity decreases or excessive emotionality, self-sacrifice, increased responsibility, inadequate emotional reactions to situations of professional activity and communication are manifested. In view of this, psychological support of the professional activity of IT specialists is a necessary condition for maintaining professional longevity by means of psychology. Professional burnout syndrome is a condition that occurs as an appropriate reaction to the action of chronic stressors associated with professional activity and manifested in various spheres of an individual’s life. An analysis of the results of the empirical study of the problem was carried out. The ranking of «tension» symptoms was revealed: dissatisfaction with oneself, experiencing psycho-traumatic circumstances, anxiety and depression, «caging». An analysis of the results of the empirical study of the problem was carried out. The ranking of «tension» symptoms was revealed: dissatisfaction with oneself, experiencing psycho-traumatic circumstances, anxiety and depression, «cagedness» (34% of respondents are not only not confident in their own abilities, but are also dissatisfied with their professional activities). The action of the mechanism of «emotional transfer» is accompanied by fear, anxiety to try something new in the field of information technologies, dissatisfaction with oneself and the profession is manifested, and material compensation is exhausting and does not bring the desired reward. The methods of training work and its various forms contribute to reducing the tension of specialists, increase the labor potential, and increase the motivation of healthy and effective activities of the people of ІТ.


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How to Cite

Мащак, С. О., & Олійник, А. І. (2024). PSYCHOLOGICAL SUPPORT OF PROFESSIONAL BURNOUT OF IT SPECIALISTS. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (2), 22-25.

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