
  • S. O. Mashchak
  • V. Borukh



gender stereotype, self-esteem, self-realization, personality, professional activity.


The article presents the results of a theoretical and empirical study of the peculiarities of the relationship between gender stereotypes and the level of self-esteem and self-realization of an individual. Professional activity occupies one of the important places in the life of every person, and the successful self-realization of an employee is an important element of personal development. However, research shows that women more often face difficulties in self-realization in professional activities. And the psychological characteristics of men contribute to successful professional activity. Traditional and modern approaches to the interpretation of the concepts of gender stereotypes, self-esteem, self-realization were considered. It was established that gender is a socio-cultural gender, which denotes psychosocial aspects of gender, different from biological ones. Gender stereotypes are formed in the process of socialization, when a person identifies himself according to gender roles, copies appropriate behavior, receives support, reproduces the structure of experience regarding gender roles. It is then that he chooses social expectations and standards for sexual behavior. Self-esteem reflects a person's general satisfaction or dissatisfaction with himself: self-esteem, self-esteem, general self-esteem, selfesteem, self-love, self-acceptance, self-attitude, self-esteem, declared, public self-esteem. Employee self-esteem can be positive or negative, affect well-being, motivation and behavior. It is an important component of self-awareness and development of the individual and the employee. And the self-realization of the individual receives its interpretation in the context of the phenomenon of self-actualization. Our research provides grounds for asserting that there is a close relationship between gender stereotypes and the level of self-esteem and self-realization of an individual. Employees of VEGLO-STEEL LLP (72 respondents) took part in the empirical study. Of them – 30 men and 42 women (the average age of the sample of women was 26.3 years, among men – 28.1 years). During the experimental study, we used theoretical and empirical methods, and in particular, the questionnaire "Masculinity-Femininity" S. Bem, diagnostic methods of self-esteem, self-attitude, "Diagnostics of selfactualization of the individual – SAMOAL" method; statistical – Pearson's rank correlation coefficient. The study of selfactualization among men and women at the enterprise showed that, in general, both groups did not show a high level of desire for self-actualization. However, according to some parameters, men were more creative, with a pronounced need for knowledge and a little more autonomous, while women were more spontaneous and with a more positive attitude towards themselves, their characteristics, abilities. Both groups demonstrate differences, differences and common features of the manifestation of "gender", their own gender identification, ideas about gender stereotypes.


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How to Cite

Мащак, С. О., & Борух, В. (2024). THE RELATIONSHIP OF GENDER STEREOTYPES WITH THE LEVEL OF SELF-ESTEEM AND SELF-REALISHMENT OF THE PERSONALITY. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (2), 26-30.

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